Avatar in Microsoft Teams (without Microsoft Mesh)

The VR world is still waiting for the long-awaited Microsoft Mesh. So far, only Hololens 2 owners and a few selected tenants can enjoy a preview. The VR glasses owners are currently still left empty-handed. But YouTuber John Moore now shows a way to participate in a Microsoft Teams meeting with his avatar and at least recreate the Mesh feeling. We’ll show you how easy it is in the following article.

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Visual Studio Code Extension offline installation

Recently I read about the Teams Toolkit to develop Teams apps in Visual Studio Code. I immediately wanted to have a look at it, but I did not find the extension inside VS Code. So I had to perform a Visual Studio Code Extension offline installation. I want to show you in this article, how this worked out for me. This workaround also works for VS Codium, which I used for the screenshots in this blog post.

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